Sunday, May 6, 2018

towards augmented intelligence

I think we're going to see a shift towards "Augmented Intelligence" where the machine works more like a tool than as a replacement for people. In a symbiotic process. As bio-tech, virtual reality and nerve-machine interfaces evolve, this symbiotic relation will become much tighter. We are going to see cyborgs way before we see artificial general intelligence, of the kind you see in terminator movies.
With all the advances in machine learning, neural nets, deep learning, in the last few years. We've seen machines become really good at tasks where we can infer from millions of examples. But they aren't good at tasks which require decisions based on a unique set of conditions, and where every instance is unique and must be considered on its own.  Us humans are quite the opposite, we are great at judging unique situations, but really bad at inferring from large populations. Statistical thinking doesn't come naturally to us. I believe that the easiest way to bridge this gap is by having machine and person work together, each playing to its strengths. 

What do you think? 

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